"Hey Jasen! Whata-ya-do-when...?"
How real estate closings turned into real life coaching.
Hi, I'm Jasen.
I'm an author, investor and coach for self-employed professionals from Scottsdale, Arizona.
I grew up in Austin and thought I would be a pilot for the airlines, but life began leading me toward coaching at an early age. When I was six years old, I was mysteriously drawn to one of my Dad's self-improvement books and even though I couldn't read every word, I was obsessed with the illustrations.
Fast forward many years and I learned the traditional educational path wasn't for me. After two semesters, I dropped out of college with no clear plan for the future. Not even flight school.
Why not try real estate?
Co-workers at my part-time job encouraged me to get into real estate. So, when I turned 18, I took their advice, got my Texas license and joined a brokerage. I was still suffering from teenage acne and drove a beat up truck with no A/C, but I was excited to be working for myself!
Suddenly I was surrounded by competitors and had no choice but to figure out what it would take to succeed as a self-employed individual in a cutthroat industry.
During the first year and a half, I sold one house and earned less than $6,000 after expenses. My parents were helping me pay rent and I was ready to give up. I almost took a job at a record store in the mall.
Then, out of desperation, I borrowed from my broker to enroll in a training program where I finally learned how to sell. Within three months, I'd outproduced my entire office of experienced agents and earned 10X what I had since first being licensed.
I sold homes in Austin for just over 13 years, was the youngest person ever listed on the Austin Business Journal Top 50 agents list and was featured on the cover of REALTOR Magazine before I turned thirty. Life was great and I was making a lot of money but I had a secret: I didn't really like selling houses.
Other agents began asking the question that changed my career forever. “Hey Jasen! Whata-ya-do-when...?”
I'd become the go-to guy in my company for agents who needed help with their careers and eventually, I realized I was happier coaching other agents for free than I was working with my own paying clients! So I followed my gut, sold my book of business, and learned how to be a professional coach.
Hall-of-fame speaker Floyd Wickman taught me how to coach people and speak from the stage and I recreated the success I'd found selling homes, but this time, I truly enjoyed what I was doing.
I became one of the most sought after speakers in the real estate industry. But I'll never forget the first training session I did in Cary, NC.
I naively thought I was there to speak solely about salesmanship, but when I was done with the lesson, attendees asked me questions about their personal lives. I got that same "Whata-ya-do-when...?" question, but focused on topics far beyond real estate sales.
Truth be told, it freaked me out. I felt unqualified to answer questions about their relationships and personal struggles. I even worried I might be breaking the law! Did I need another license for this, I wondered?
The answer is no and the more I grew as a coach, the more comfortable I became discussing almost any topic. We always start with business, then my clients take it in any direction they need.
The book I was obsessed with as a kid was See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar.
Zig was a world famous personal development coach on the level of Tony Robbins. While I was growing up, Floyd Wickman was being personally mentored by Zig. By the time Mr. Wickman mentored me, I'd already spent years with in self-improvement material. He was the one who activated all that I'd absorbed from my Dad's books throughout childhood.
Then I met Dr. Wayne Dyer who helped me understand human behavior on a deeper level and apply it to coaching. He also encouraged me to expand my message to a wider audience.
Today I work with self-employed professionals and small business owners from a wide rage of industries.
My clients do what most think is impossible: they charge above-average fees for their work, enjoy regular time off, and experience the freedom they dreamed of when they first got into business for themselves.
If you'd like to experience those things too send me a message and we'll explore options.

Hi, I'm Jasen.
I'm an author, investor and coach for self-employed professionals from Scottsdale, Arizona.
I grew up in Austin and thought I would be a pilot for the airlines, but life began leading me toward coaching at an early age. When I was six years old, I was mysteriously drawn to one of my Dad's self-improvement books and even though I couldn't read every word, I was obsessed with the illustrations.
Fast forward many years and I learned the traditional educational path wasn't for me. After two semesters, I dropped out of college with no clear plan for the future. Not even flight school.

Why not try real estate?
Co-workers at my part-time job encouraged me to get into real estate. So, when I turned 18, I took their advice, got my Texas license and joined a brokerage. I was still suffering from teenage acne and drove a beat up truck with no A/C, but I was excited to be working for myself!
Suddenly I was surrounded by competitors and had no choice but to figure out what it would take to succeed as a self-employed individual in a cutthroat industry.
During the first year and a half, I sold one house and earned less than $6,000 after expenses. My parents were helping me pay rent and I was ready to give up. I almost took a job at a record store in the mall.
Then, out of desperation, I borrowed from my broker to enroll in a training program where I finally learned how to sell. Within three months, I'd outproduced my entire office of experienced agents and earned 10X what I had since first being licensed.
I sold homes in Austin for just over 13 years, was the youngest person ever listed on the Austin Business Journal Top 50 agents list and was featured on the cover of REALTOR Magazine before I turned thirty. Life was great and I was making a lot of money but I had a secret: I didn't really like selling houses.
Other agents began asking the question that changed my career forever. “Hey Jasen! Whata-ya-do-when...?”
I became the go-to guy in my company for agents who needed help with their careers and eventually, I realized I was happier coaching other agents for free than I was working with my own paying clients! So I followed my gut, sold my book of business, and learned how to be a professional coach.
Hall-of-fame speaker Floyd Wickman taught me how to coach people and speak from the stage and I recreated the success I'd found selling homes, but this time, I truly enjoyed what I was doing.
I became one of the most sought after speakers in the real estate industry. But I'll never forget the first training session I did in Cary, NC.
I naively thought I was there to speak solely about salesmanship, but when I was done with the lesson, attendees asked me questions about their personal lives. I got that same "Whata-ya-do-when...?" question, but focused on topics far beyond real estate sales.
Truth be told, it freaked me out. I felt unqualified to answer questions about their relationships and personal struggles. I even worried I might be breaking the law! Did I need another license for this, I wondered?
The answer is no and the more I grew as a coach, the more comfortable I became discussing almost any topic. We always start with business, then my clients take it in any direction they need.

The book I was obsessed with as a kid was See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar.
Zig was a world famous personal development coach on the level of Tony Robbins. While I was growing up, Floyd Wickman was being personally mentored by Zig. By the time Mr. Wickman mentored me, I'd already spent years with in self-improvement material. He was the one who activated all that I'd absorbed from my Dad's books throughout childhood.
Then I met Dr. Wayne Dyer who helped me understand human behavior on a deeper level and apply it to coaching. He also encouraged me to expand my message to a wider audience.
Today I work with self-employed professionals and small business owners from a wide rage of industries.
My clients do what most think is impossible: they charge above-average fees for their work, enjoy regular time off, and experience the freedom they dreamed of when they first got into business for themselves.
If you'd like to experience those things too send me a message and we'll explore options.
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"I'm proof of your influence, Jasen. You helped me transform my mindset and in doing so, changed my life!" - Niki Fuller, Top Producing Realtor, Indianapolis, IN.
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