How To Be Prepared For Anything In 2021

self care sunday Jan 02, 2021

This is an enormously inspiring time of the year, isn't it? Once we mentally let go of the holiday season, energy is freed up to execute our plans and have the best year ever!

Twelve months ago, we thought we had it all figured out. Then life came along and surprised us all. But we don't have to hold our breath for what's to come this time. We can have the best year ever.

So, to start off 2021, let's talk about two ways to be prepared for anything life may have up it's sleeve. Click the link to listen now or bookmark for later

Think bigger,



PS. This week's video is not an add for Nike and Lululemon. It's just that inspiration for it came in the middle of setting up my new studio. 🤣

My new book is available!
