First Life Prunes You, Then You Bloom

self care sunday wiltw Jan 18, 2020

"Hey Jasen! How's California?"

I've been getting that question a lot lately and the answer is FANTASTIC! I love living in California!

found a charming house that is in a quiet part of downtown, near the historic Mission, and 5 minutes from the beach. The food from the farmer's market is incredible and I've found renewed inspiration for my career that I doubt I'd have found if I stayed in Austin.

But truth be told, the last four years haven't been easy. When I walked into Mission Park with Chug earlier this week, I saw something I didn't expect and felt inspired to record a video about some of the challenges I've faced

I almost didn't send it because, well, who doesn't have challenges?!  But then there was the voice of the renewed inspiration saying, "the world needs fewer coaches acting like a celebrity while pretending they've got it all figured out, and more who are willing to be open and transparent in an effort to serve anyone willing to listen.".

So, click play on the video to see what I learned this week when I walked into Mission Park...



My newĀ book is available!
