The story of a thank you note that went viral

self care sunday wiltw Apr 04, 2020

I have always loved sending handwritten personal notes. When I started in business in the early 1990s they were already rare. Today, they're almost non-existent.

That makes them one of the best tools you have to strengthen your relationship with people in your database and generate more referrals to boot! 

I sense you knew that much, but many people miss the deeper lesson. The real reason personal notes are so powerful has nothing to do with the note itself.

As you listen to the story of the thank you note that went viral, I'll uncover the real reason. Click the video and watch! 👆🏼

By the way, In the midst of historic economic news, everyone seems to be wearing their brave faces. I'm right there with you setting my mind in a positive, productive space daily. Just don't make the mistake in thinking things will go back to the way they were in a few weeks time. Now is when you must sharpen your basic salesmanship skills. This week's message will help you do that.


My new book is available!
