Inspiration for living a Top Producer Life™


End 2020 feeling like you just won a marathon

self care sunday Aug 29, 2020

This year has felt like we're all running a marathon together, hasn't it?! Whether you're busier than ever, or business has been thrown off by the pandemic, you can make 2020 a year you're proud of.

I dug out my first marathon finisher's medal - and an old lesson from my days as an endurance athlete to show you how to end this year feeling like you won! Check it out...

PS. This week I chose the chapter titles for my upcoming book, The Top Producer Life. That little exercise wasn't as straightforward as I thought it would be! Would you be willing to help me spread the word about the launch? Please click here to introduce me to others in your office. For example, who do you know that just got their license? Or, who is always taking classes and working on their craft?

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Baby names, mom fights and real estate

self care sunday Aug 22, 2020

Hey! Several years ago, I watched my pregnant friend get visibly angry when she saw her pregnant girlfriend's baby name announcement. It was one of the names on the list my friend was considering for her child.

Prior to this I was unaware of the mess that was about to go down. These two ladies quickly engaged in an epic passive-aggressive fight that I'm not sure ever got settled.

Naturally, my friend was also planning to buy a bigger home so one would think she didn't need any extra stress and would just drop it.

But now that I'm ready to announce a baby name of my own, I sort of get it... 

I've been talking about my quarantine project for a few weeks now so you've no doubt figured out the announcement is the name of my first book! I started 2020 thinking I might finish the first draft by the end of the year. But life had other plans and the project will be ready to launch in a few months. The whole process has been more fulfilling than I ever thought and I can't wait to share...

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Source of all your client problems pt 2

self care sunday Aug 15, 2020

You guys overwhelmingly agreed with me last week about the cause of nearly every client that spins out of control. This is the rest of the story about how I coach people to set clear expectations and avoid difficult situations...

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Source of all your client problems pt. 1

self care sunday Aug 08, 2020

Happy SundayFunday!  Over the last few days, I've helped several agents clean up quite a few issues with their clients, ranging from out of control buyers to uncooperative sellers.

Once we created their game plan to get things under control, we discussed the cause of nearly all problem clients and how to avoid them in the future. This is what I told them... 

*** Next Sunday I'll post part 2 of how to minimize client problems. THEN, the week after that I have some exciting news to share with you about the publication of my first book! I can't wait! If you've ever wondered if there was a way to truly maximize your potential and realize your FULL VISION from the day you decided to get licensed, you're going to love what I've got for you. In the meantime, please click here to share this email with others in your office so that I may connect with them too! 


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A Fresh Take On Renting vs Buying

self care sunday Aug 01, 2020

We all agree that, long term, buying a home is better than renting one, correct? In the same way then, it's much better to own your business than to rent it. These days I see too many agents renting their business without evening realizing it.

Confused? You won't be after this week's video. It's a fresh take on renting vs. buying that'll safeguard your hard work put into marketing your business. Check it out!

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One year out of my comfort zone. Biggest Lesson.

self care sunday Jul 25, 2020

This weekend is my one year Caliversary and I've been thinking about what I've learned being far out of my comfort zone for twelve months. One lesson stands out (and has taken the most space in my journal) so I took Chug to our favorite spot in the neighborhood for this week's video to talk about it. Check it out because I'm certain it'll ease anything happening in your life or business you're struggling over...and before you go, drop a comment and let me know what you're biggest lesson has been lately!

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The secret to more buyer appointments

self care sunday Jul 18, 2020

Last week, I made the case that if you insist buyers do three things before you work with them, you'll save a ton of time and make more money faster. One of those things is to meet you for a proper buyer consultation.

I just finished editing the chapter in my upcoming book where I cover that in detail. So while it was fresh on my mind, I recorded this week's video to give you a big secret used by Top Producers to increasing the number of buyer leads who enthusiastically schedule time to meet. Check it out because you can start using it immediately...

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How to save time with new showing rules

self care sunday Jul 11, 2020

Mask? Gloves? Hand sanitizer? Check, check and check! The list of things to remember when showing a home sure is interesting. I bet you never thought you'd be opening cabinet doors or disinfecting counters after showings.

Given these new demands, agents everywhere are working hard to make their process for showings as efficient as possible. Remember, no matter what you have to do operationally to show a home, the best way to stay efficient is to...

Watch this week's video and I'll tell you! 

Let's go think bigger this week,


PS. Do you have any crazy showing stories resulting from COVID19? I'd love to hear them. Drop a comment on the blog after you watch!

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Realtors history of discrimination

self care sunday Jul 04, 2020

Check out the book The Color of Law that inspired this post.

I've always considered freedom of thought as vital to a top producer life. So this week's message is meant to expand your thinking.

I've worked in the real estate industry since high school (that's 28 years for those of you counting) and only recently learned about how it systematically excluded black people from the American Dream for decades. My intent is to share with you what I learned recently so you can incorporate it into your own thoughts about our culture today and take any action you feel inspired to take from a more informed position.

Even those of you who work in other professions will find this week's message really informative. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

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Six questions that will recharge you for the next six months

self care sunday Jun 27, 2020

Am I the only one wondering what's happening to time? How can we be half way through 2020? You're not trying to rush it are you? 

From my point of view, this year has been full of excitement and opportunity. Whether you feel the same way or not, give yourself a few minutes to watch this week's video. Here's why:

If my income depended on your production, I'd coach you through a set of questions designed to keep you inspired and productive for the second half of the year. Use this to turn your year around, or make it even better than you thought it could be! Here are the questions mentioned in the video...

  1.  When you think about the goals you set in January, what has changed?
  2. What have you done well so far this year?
  3. What have you done this year that’s left you feeling inspired and energized?
  4. What have you done this year that’s left you feeling drained and off course?
  5. Which limiting beliefs have you allowed to hold you back this year?
  6. What would make...
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