Inspiration for living a Top Producer Life™


How to sell when people are divided

self care sunday Nov 05, 2020

If the results of the 2020 election confirm anything for salespeople, it's that people don't have the same point of view and struggle to agree with one another, even when presented with the same "facts".

But working with people who have a hard time reaching an agreement isn't exactly new territory for agents. How many times have you seen a seller look at clear factual evidence his house is overpriced and stubbornly refuse to negotiate with a buyer?

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if someone out there had a client claim an appraisal was "fake news"!

So how do you continue to thrive in a low-trust environment? How do you help your clients make good decisions when they can barely agree on "facts"?

Get the answer in this week's vlog...

Let's go think bigger this week,



PS. Do you have a favorite podcast? To prepare for the launch of my book, The Top Producer Life, I'm lining up interviews with podcasters. Let me know in the comments which show I should be on!


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Will California Voters change real estate forever?

self care sunday Oct 30, 2020

When I'm coaching agents on issues with their broker, sometimes I'll ask what they've already agreed to in their independent contractor agreement. Many people don't know where that document is, let alone what it says.

No judgment here; I get it. Most brokers use pretty standardized IC agreements and you just want to get out there and earn commission, right?

Real estate agents intuitively understand what it means to work as an independent contractor, but the general public does not. And the few that do might have an agenda to force people into becoming employees.

Which is why Prop 22 in California got my attention. The results of the vote will have a huge impact on thousands of independent contracts (expect Realtors - for now).

But think about it: What if the voters of your state were asked to determine your employment status? 

An alternate version of this post is published on the Realtors YPN Blog

Do you have a favorite podcast? To prepare for the launch of my book, The Top...

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Spring Listing Strategy

self care sunday Oct 23, 2020

Remember when the lockdowns first hit this spring? Many of us wondered how quickly we'd find ourselves in a buyer's market.

As you know, with a few exceptions, the buyer's market never showed up. If you practice in an area and/or price range that's low on inventory, don't miss this week's vlog post!

Learn what you can do now to give yourself a massive head start on finding the listings you'll need just when the spring buyers come to life in 2021.  It's so easy and simple, most of your competition will overlook it.

I've done this, my coaching clients have done it and now you can...the field is wide open!

Let's go think bigger this week,


PS. Do you have a favorite podcast? To prepare for the launch of my book, The Top Producer Life, I'm lining up interviews with podcasters. Hit reply and let me know which show I should be on! You can also let me know here.

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What scared me most as a real estate agent

self care sunday Oct 17, 2020

There are many things you could choose to worry about when running a real estate practice. Personal safety, steady commissions, keeping up with technology - the list could go on forever if you let it.

There was even a time when agents worried eBay would take over the industry. Remember that one veterans? Anyway, eBay reminded me of one of the few things things worth worrying about in real estate.

Check out this week’s vlog and learn to direct your concern where it matters...

Let's go think bigger this week,


PS. Do you have a favorite podcast? To prepare for the launch of my book, The Top Producer Life, I'm lining up interviews with podcasters. Hit reply and let me know which show I should be on! You can also let me know here.

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Guaranteed way to get noticed by clients

self care sunday Oct 09, 2020

The world is super noisy right now. It seems like the more we wish for life to calm down and "return to normal" the crazier it gets. I mean, how can each week be unprecedented?! That word is about to lose its meaning.

All you want to do is help people and make sales, right? In what is certain to be the most distracted 4th quarter ever, you'll need to break through the noise and make a real connection.

Truth be told, it's incredibly easy to break through. So easy in fact, people often forget how. Here's your reminder...

Let's go think bigger this week,



PS. Do you have a favorite podcast? To prepare for the launch of my book, The Top Producer Life, I'm lining up interviews with podcasters. Hit reply and let me know which show I should be on! You can also let me know here.

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The only way you'll ever take a day off

self care sunday Oct 01, 2020


You deserve a day off. I mean a full day away from work each week, both physically and mentally. After all, the ability to control your schedule is one of the reasons you went into self-employment, isn't it? Yet so many agents struggle to do just that.

I'm often told that what people remember most from our work together is the inspiration and ability gained to take as much time off (guilt free) as they want. When I hear this, I know they've learned a secret that goes beyond time blocking and the "perfect daily schedule".

Watch this week's vlog to learn what my clients love even more than becoming great at sales!

Let's go think bigger this week,


PS. I've been watching authors launch their books with virtual events and honestly, they've been dull. Not the authors themselves, the events. Maybe I've got Zoom fatigue! Thankfully, there's time to plan fun and exciting events for the launch of my book, The Top Producer Life. For the book tour, would you prefer I come to...

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Two tricks to reclaim your evenings

self care sunday Sep 26, 2020

Hey! Do you ever struggle to put work away and enjoy the evening? Even if you physically stop working, does your mind continue to churn?

Yeah, happens to me too. I consider myself to be LEVEL: EXPERT at putting work away for the day, yet the never ending craziness of 2020 has triggered some stressful evenings.

So I fell back on two tricks that provided quick relief. You can use them too! Check out this weeks vlog and I'll show you how... 

PS. The manuscript for my first book, The Top Producer Life, is OFFICIALLY DONE! This week I've been working on how to do a book tour. It will likely be a mix of in-person and virtual events. Should I come to your city or through your screen? Let me know here.

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How a Realtor Lost My Business

self care sunday Sep 19, 2020

Hey, happy Sunday! I've been in real estate since high school and a licensed Texas Realtor since 1994. I've coached agents all over the country and worked with them on personal business in states where I don't have a license.

So, I like to think I have about as much empathy as one could have for a fellow agent. But, when you blow it, you blow it.

Recently a California Realtor lost my business and isn't even aware of it. I made this week's vlog so you could learn from his mistake! Check it out...

Let's go think bigger this week,



PS. I sent the manuscript for my book, The Top Producer Life, back to my editor this week for the final round of editing. This is getting so exciting and real. Next up is the photo shoot and you know I'm going to just hate pulling together outfits! Help me spread the word about the launch! Please click here to introduce me to others in your office. For example, who do you know that just got their license? Or, who...

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What social influencers are doing that you should copy

self care sunday Sep 12, 2020

Hey! Let's play a game.

QUICK: How many followers do you have on Instagram?

NOW: How many people are in your database and on your email list?

Which number are you more certain you got right? If the answer was Instagram, don't feel bad, that just makes you normal.

But you're not after normal. You're after your version of the top producer life, right?

This week I read a report on what serious "influencers" are doing to lock in their influence -and income, long term. There's a good lesson in the report for all of us. Check out this week's vlog where I share it with you...

Let's go think bigger this week,



PS. My upcoming book, The Top Producer Life, has an entire section on how to protect your business from the ever changing direction of technology, including social media. Help me spread the word about the launch! Please click here to introduce me to others in your office. For example, who do you know that just got their license? Or,...

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5 Tips For Agents Born After 9/11/2001

inspiration Sep 11, 2020

Dear 18-year old agent,

I remember the day I got the results of my real estate license exam in the mail. It was just a few weeks after I’d turned 18 and as I slid the single piece of paper out of the envelope from the Texas Real Estate Commission, it said simply “PASS”. I was looking out from my third floor apartment balcony and felt like I was literally on the top of the world. After working at the Texas Association of Realtors throughout high school, I was convinced that I would soon become just as rich as I assumed all the Realtors around me were.

Now that I’m 45, with full knowledge of what it really takes to make it in this business, I envy the hopeful, newbie energy you no doubt have. I encourage you to hold onto that excitement and hopefulness as long as possible. We can never be certain about the future except to know that challenges and adversity will come.

This morning I realized that the September 11th attacks on the United States happened 19 years...

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